About Us
About Keep NH Moving
Keep New Hampshire Moving is the official website and transportation resource directory for the New Hampshire State Coordinating Council for Community Transportation and the Regional Coordination Councils. It has been designed to assist the public and professionals in finding and securing mobility services.
About the Councils and Network
Please scroll down to the tab section to learn about:
- The NH State Coordinating Council for Community Transportation (SCC)
- The NH Regional Coordination Councils for Community Transportation (RCC)
- The NH Statewide Mobility Management Network
- The SCC Healthcare Transportation Task Force
The NH State Coordinating Council for Community Transportation would like to thank NH Department of Transportation, NH Department of Health & Human Services, Transport NH, National Center for Mobility Management, NH Regional Coordination Councils, NH Transit Association, NH Regional Planning Commissions, and the SCC Mobility Management Workgroup. Initial funding for the facilitation and planning was provided to Transport NH by the NH donor advised, You Have Our Trust Fund. Together these collaborative efforts and collective expertise, insights, resources, and dedication made it possible to develop and implement the NH Mobility Management Network and the Keep NH Moving Website.
New Hampshire used an innovative approach to pay for the two-year implementation of this project called Federal Fund Braiding. This approach allowed the use of federal transportation funds provided to NH, flexed Surface Transportation Block Grant funds from the Ten-Year NH Transportation Improvement Plan, state toll credits, and a 3-million-dollar portion of a national grant given to NH Department of Health & Human Services by the Federal Center for Disease Control & Prevention to address COVID-19 Health Disparities among populations at high-risk & underserved, Including rural communities and ethnic minority populations. This project has been held up by the Federal Transit Administration as a model project that embodies the coordination and braided funding priorities of the Federal Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM). You can learn more about CCAM and the opportunities it creates for state agencies and the delivery of services in the tab below.
Charles J. Saia, SCC Chair
SCC Meetings
First Thursday of the month from 1:30-3:30pm
Granite State Independent Living,
21 Chenell Drive,
Concord, NH and by Zoom
Meetings are open to the public
Council Members
Charles J. Saia, Chair
Representing the Governor’s Commission on Disability
Executive Director, Governor’s Commission on Disability
Gene Patnode, Vice Chair
Representing NH DHHS Commissioner
Workforce Development Administrator III
Department of Health & Human Services
Division of Economic Stability
Bureau of Employment Supports
Steve Workman, Secretary/Administrative Support
Representing Statewide Advocacy
Director of Transport New Hampshire
Consultant for National Center for Mobility Management at Easterseals
Deborah Ritcey, Treasurer
Representing Granite State Independent Living (GSIL)
Executive Director, Granite State Independent Living
Ellen Avery
Representing Volunteer Driver Programs
Executive Director
Community Volunteer Transportation Co.
Fred Butler
Representing NH DOT Commissioner
Public Transportation Administrator
NHDOT – Bureau of Rail & Transit
Melina Hill Walker
Representing the Philanthropic Sector
Program Director
Endowment for Health
Rad Nichols
Representing NH Transit Association
Executive Director COAST
Chair, NH Transit Association
Terri Paige
Representing Transit Agencies
Executive Director Concord Area Transit
Treasurer, NH Transit Association
Scott Vinter
Representing NH DOE Commissioner
Deputy Administrator
Department of Education
Division of Workforce Innovation
Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation
Sylvia von Aulock
Representing the Regional Planning Commissions
Executive Director
Southern NH Planning Commission
Representative of the Regional Planning Commissions
Fred Roberge
SCC Chair Emeritus
(2012 – 2022)
Retired, Easterseals
New Hampshire
Jesse Lore
The NH State Coordinating Council for Community Transportation (SCC)
Statutory Authority: The General Court established the State Coordinating Council for Community Transportation in 2007 under Title XX – Transportation, Chapter 239-B.
Statutory Duties as Defined Under 239-B:3: The SCC shall: I. Develop, implement, and provide guidance for the coordination of community transportation options within New Hampshire so that the public, in particular citizens in need of access to essential services and activities, can access local and regional transportation services and municipalities, human service agencies, and other organizations can purchase shared ride coordinated transportation services for their citizens, clients, and customers. II. Set statewide coordination policies for community transportation, establish community transportation regions, encourage the development of regional coordination councils, assist other regional efforts as needed, and monitor the results of statewide coordination. III. Approve the formation of regional coordination councils and the selection of regional transportation coordinators, according to such criteria and guidelines as the SCC may establish. IV. Solicit and accept donations for funding to implement and sustain community transportation.
SCC Bylaws
SCC Bylaws approved 05 02 2024 by SCC
SCC Meetings
First Thursday of the month from 1:30-3:30pm
Granite State Independent Living, 21 Chenell Drive, Concord, NH
Virtual By Zoom:
Meetings are open to the public
SCC Agenda Packets & Minutes
SCC Agenda Packet 12-5-24
SCC Agenda 11-7-24 Final
SCC Meeting Minutes 9-5-24 Final
SCC Agenda Packet 9-5-24
SCC Minutes 8-1-24 Final
SCC Agenda Packet 8-1-24
SCC Annual Minutes 6-7-24
SCC Agenda Packet 5-2-24
SCC Agenda Packet 4-4-24
SCC Agenda Packet 3-7-24
The NH Regional Coordination Councils for Community Transportation (RCC)
Statutory Authority: The General Court established the Regional Coordination Councils for Community Transportation in 2010 under Title XX – Transportation, Chapter 239-B. New Hampshire is currently divided into eight (8) regional councils.
Statutory Duties as Defined Under 239-B:3: There are hereby established regional coordination councils (RCC), representing regions to be defined by the SCC. The designation as an RCC must be approved by the SCC. Members of an RCC shall be immune from liability in executing the duties of the council. The duties of an RCC shall be to: I. Facilitate the implementation of coordinated community transportation in their region. II. Encourage the development of improved and expanded regional community transportation services. III. Advise the SCC on the status of community transportation in their region.
New Hampshire is divided into 8 regions to help us better deliver transportation services. See the Map.
Explore New Hampshire’s Eight
Community Transportation Regions
The NH Statewide Mobility Management Network
The Mobility Management Network is a collaborative partnership between the State Coordinating Council, the Regional Coordinating Councils, NH Department of Transportation, other state agencies/commissions and the mobility managers. NHDOT funds and manages the contract for the statewide mobility manager network. Lead agencies in each region manage the fiscal responsibilities related to the regional mobility managers.
The NH Mobility Management Network is intended to include national, state, and regional organizations focused on improving mobility management and community transportation. Such organizations are to be a resource for learning, networking & service development and collaborative efforts that contribute to advancements in mobility management and transportation service delivery in New Hampshire and beyond.
- Established by the State Coordinating Council for Community Transportation in October 2023.
- Transport New Hampshire/Steve Workman facilitates the taskforce.
- The taskforce is intended to be an upstream effort to bring high-level stakeholders together to look at the intersection of public health, healthcare and transportation.
- Healthcare is intended to include all aspects of health (physical, behavioral, oral, recovery, etc.) and the different types of systems/facilities (hospitals, clinics, Federally Qualified Health Centers, dialysis centers, etc.)
- Transportation is intended to include all viable modes of transportation and the policy and funding streams that support such services (Medicaid, Federal Transit Funding, state funding, charitable or community health funding).
- The taskforce will undertake efforts to better understand the unique needs, challenges, and barriers associated with access to care. While the consumer is to remain at the center of taskforce work, we recognize that our healthcare partners are also grappling with staffing shortages, economic impact from missed appointments, and regulatory requirements to provide transportation services for patients, etc.
- The taskforce will use Social Determinants of Health and Vital Conditions to keep efforts focused on the consumer and as a framework/common language that the different sectors can use to better understand each other.
- Data collection and sharing is a significant goal of the taskforce to have a more complete picture of where needs and barriers exist. This is essential to developing and justifying innovative solutions, policy changes, funding, and delivery of services. The taskforce recognizes the inherent challenges associated with data collection and sharing, including HIPAA, but is committed to finding ways to share and use data appropriately.
- The taskforce is intended to evolve over time as we build trust between partners/sectors, increase our knowledge and create a macro-view of existing conditions.The taskforce is intended not to just study the issues, but to develop strategies to address barriers and respond to point-in-time opportunities.
Taskforce Meetings
Fourth Monday of the month from 11:00-12:00 pm
Virtual By Zoom
Taskforce Agenda Packets & Minutes
SCC Healthcare Transportation Taskforce Agenda Packet 9-23-24