Accessible Transportation for All

Ways to Carpool

By Steve Workman on November 2, 2023

Choosing to carpool has many benefits, from being able to use HOV lanes during traffic rushes to reducing your carbon footprint. There are also many different ways to carpool, including rideshares and volunteer driver programs (VDPs). Carpooling is a smaller-scale form of public transportation and is a great tool to utilize for those who may have a hard time getting around. 

Carpooling 101 

Carpooling is an energy-efficient way to travel that usually involves a group of people who are all going to the same destination in a private vehicle. A great example would be coworkers carpooling to the office or a group of parents taking turns driving kids to school. Usually, a classic carpool rotates who drives so that everyone gets a turn being the driver and the passenger. However, carpooling does not only have to be used to get to places like work or school; it can also be utilized for recreational activities such as going to the beach or an amusement park. Every time you carpool, you are lowering your impact on the environment, saving money, and connecting with your community. 

Taking a Rideshare 

Many rideshare programs operate like carpools, but they are usually facilitated through a company and may include multiple stops. Companies such as Uber and Lyft make ride sharing simple with the feature to share your ride with a nearby passenger. The biggest incentive for passengers is that their ride therefore becomes cheaper. Drivers for these rideshares are also able to use HOV lanes and make more money at once. Rideshares allow everyone involved to connect with members of their community that they may not have otherwise met. 

Volunteer Driver Programs  

Volunteer Driver Programs (VDPs) are often run through organizations and non-profits and typically help a vulnerable population, such as the aging community or those with mobility challenges. VDPs are usually at little to no cost for riders and rely on volunteers to operate. There are many benefits to volunteer driver programs for all parties involved, and they make a major impact on the freedom of those who cannot drive themselves. VDPs are a great way to carpool if you need assistance getting in and out of the vehicle, are making multiple stops, or are looking to build community while you ride or drive. 

Find Your Way to Carpool 

Carpooling can be a great way to get where you need to go. Whether you have a private car to drive others in or are looking to join an existing carpool, there are many different options. New Hampshire has many different carpools, rideshares, and volunteer driver programs. To learn more about how Keep NH Moving can connect you to a carpool, visit our website. 


About Keep NH Moving 

Keep NH Moving is a government-funded initiative that provides access to resources surrounding public transportation. With a special focus on vulnerable communities, we work with New Hampshire residents to find the best mode of transportation for their needs. With a passion for greener ways to go, we focus on individual and community wellness and freedom through transportation.To learn more about Keep NH Moving’s initiative, visit 

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