Passenger rail service refers to the transportation of passengers by train, sometimes also referred to as subways in high density cities like Boston or New York, intercity trains, or commuter rail/trains like Amtrak. It involves the operation of trains specifically designed and equipped to carry people from one destination to another. These services typically include scheduled routes with designated stops, ticketing systems, and various classes or accommodations for passengers. Trains offer an alternative mode of transportation to cars, buses, and airplanes and contribute to sustainable transportation options, reduce traffic congestion, and provide a convenient and often scenic way for people to travel.
Passenger Rail Service in New Hampshire
Amtrak provides two passenger rail services that New Hampshire residents can access:
The Amtrak Downeaster makes five round-trips daily between Brunswick, Maine and Boston, Massachusetts serving a total of 12 communities in three states along a 143-mile corridor including stops in Dover, Durham, and Exeter.
The Amtrak Vermonter provides service between Washington, DC and St. Albans in northern Vermont with stops in Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York City and Washington, DC. New Hampshire residents can access this train at Claremont Junction as well as Vermont communities in the Connecticut Valley.