Accessible Transportation for All

2020 NH DOT Statewide Strategic Transit Assessment

The Strategic Statewide Transit Assessment (SSTA) is intended to be a guide toward a sustainable future for public transit in New Hampshire. Through more than a dozen separate tasks, the study team, led by Steadman Hill Consulting, Inc., worked with NHDOT’s Bureau of Rail and Transit to take a comprehensive look at bus transportation in the state and consider ways that it could better meet the needs of New Hampshire residents. The study was cognizant of the role of demand response transportation and rail as well, but these modes were not the focus of the effort. Policy Until now, NHDOT has not had any official, explicit policy regarding public transit. In consultation with the stakeholders committee for the SSTA, the transit providers and the regional planning commissions, as well as taking public input into account, the following policies for operations and capital spending were developed. These are listed in descending order of priority.

Operations • Basic mobility for transit-dependent people • Access to employment for transit-dependent people • Maximizing ridership and efficiency • Supporting economic vitality • Attracting millennials/choice riders Capital • Transit fleets must be in a state of good repair • Passenger facilities are an essential part of the public transportation system • Safe pedestrian access to and from bus stops is essential • Maximize use of technology.

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